Research data confirms what we always suspected:
women are on the move and making a dramatic and increasing financial impact in the travel industry.
- Courtney Godsey, Two Moms and a Car
- Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases including everything from autos to health care
- Women represent the majority of the online mark*
- Women of all ages are fueling an explosive growth in the travel industry – 32 million a year traveling alone or with a girlfriend according to the Travel Industry Association.
- Women will spend an estimated $125 billion on travel in the next year.
- 80% of all travel decisions are made by women (regardless of who they travel with, who pays for the trip, or where they go).
- 75% of those who take cultural, adventure, or nature trips are women.
- There has been a 230% increase in the number of women only travel companies in the past six years.
- In 2018, 28 percent of married women made more than their husbands, up from 17.8 percent in 1987.
- The average adventurer is not a 28-year old male, but a 47-year old female. And she wears a size 12.